Company details

Volker Zietlow | Dorfstraße 13 | 45549 Sprockhövel
Phone: +49 2339 127677
Fax: +49 2339 127679

Responsible for content according to § 10 subsection 3 MDStV
Volker Zietlow (address as given above)

Liability Note
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators. © IT-Service Volker Zietlow. All published contents, programs, layouts and graphics of the website of IT-Service Volker Zietlow are protected by copyright. IT-Service Volker Zietlow reserves all rights with regard to the duplication, distribution, modification and extension of the published contents, programming data, layouts and graphics.

The contents may not be copied or translated into other languages or otherwise duplicated without the permission of IT-Service Volker Zietlow. All documents remain the intellectual property of IT-Service Volker Zietlow. Use and reproduction are permitted only with our written permission. This also applies to the use by and the transfer to third parties. Exceptions must be fixed in writing.

Conception and text: Jana Zietlow